Help us welcome 19 new full time Cosmetology students in our next intake November 15th!
All SSC students must complete 1600 hrs of training to be eligible for graduation and state board license exam. Training will primarily focus on Cosmetology theory and hands-on practice and Employability Skills. The school is run like an actual salon. Lectures begin in the morning followed by hands-on training out on the floor with mannequins, models, and or clients.
Classes are 40 hours per week for 10 months for full time students and 20 hours per week for 20 months for half time students. Full time classes begin at 8:00-am -4:30pm. We require all students to have 75% or more on all exams and homework assignments and 90% attendance rating to be eligible for graduation. We expect students to make the necessary arrangements in their busy schedules to maintain a passing grade and excellent attendance.
If you have an interest in applying, please come to one of our informational forums every second Friday of the month at 3:30pm here at the school. For more information call Lauren at 831-423-5806 ext. 755